Former soccer legend David Beckham was spotted in the massive line of people waiting to have a glimpse of Queen’s coffin.

Big Indy News


On Friday, Former Soccer player David Beckham joined the massive line of people who arrived there to see the Queen’s coffin.

David Beckham gets to see Queen’s coffin after a very long time of waiting in the queue.

David stood in line for hours, wearing a black coat and a baker boy cap, in an interview with a Media outlet David told that he had arrived there at 2 am but it was still late as thousands of people were already standing there, Beckham also told that how everyone was just standing there to give his respect to the Queen, for the work she has done for the Commonwealth.

David Beckham expressed his feelings for the Queen and Royal Family.

David said that I have many special moments in my life. But the most special was receiving my OBE. I took my grandparents with me. Who are the main reason for my love and affection towards the royal family, although it’s a tough time for the nation as everyone is feeling the same.

According to a tweet, David was standing there for more than 10 hours.

People’s reaction after standing this long in the queue.

People are coming on Twitter and other media platforms as they are now exhausted, but still working hard to get a photo with David Beckham instead of sticking on the true move, some people are standing for the last 20 hours 

Beckham also posted on Instagram to pay his respect to the Queen, he writes that she was the greatest monarch of all time I think now we are not going to see any other monarch ruling for more than seven decades. She was a true mother to the Commonwealth. My prayers are with the Royal family.


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