Global leaders make their appearance at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.

Joe biden with queen elizabeth


the First Lady of Ukraine, King and Queen of Spain and other influences people spotted at the funeral of The Queen. 

President Joe Biden and arrived at Queen’s funeral to pay his tribute to The Queen.

On Monday morning President Joe Biden along with the First lady arrived at Westminster Hall to pay tribute to the Queen, later they both were also spotted near Lancaster house signing the book of condolences.

They stand near Queen’s coffin, holding their head in the respect of the second longest-serving monarch of the world, Queen Elizabeth was very honest toward her duties and responsibilities to the nation and the Commonwealth. 

King Charles lll along with other Royals welcomed Leaders of different states at the Reception.

Leaders from different states and parts of the globe join the funeral of the Queen to give their respect to her, even the First Lady of Ukraine also comes to the Queen’s funeral amid the was going on in her country,

United Kingdom President’s successor Liz Truss meets king Charles lll, she already has hosted a lot of country-level conversations, including Canada’s prime minister

Some fact about Queen Elizabeth makes her influence stronger in the world.

Queen Elizabeth was born in April 1926 at Bruton Street in London United Kingdom at a very young age she decided to join the royal army to serve her nation during World war 2 later when she took the oath for becoming the Queen in February 1952 from that day till her death in September 2022 she served as the most loyal and responsible monarch toward her duties she was so dedicated about her nation and commonwealth which make a special place in people’s heart for her which can be easily seen at her mourning ceremony.


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